Imperial War Museum in London

Imperial War Museum in London

The Imperial War museum displays remnants and remembrances of the past wars England has been involved in, full-size tanks, letters written by prisoners, ammunitions, etc. This museum takes you back in time during the war that shaped the country’s history.

This gallery has five branches throughout UK, three of which are in London. It was established in 1917 during the First World War. It was designed to display the struggle of the Empire. Today however, its mission is to keep people informed and provide understanding regarding modern war and show its influence and effect to the individuals and society. It became open to public in 1920. When the Second World War came, the collection flourished. Its expansion in the number of collection also meant an increase in the number of its branches. In 2005, the fifth branch opened in Trafford, Greater Manchester.

Aside form ammunitions, aircraft, military vehicles and other artifacts; the collections also include official documents, film, video, photographs and a wide-ranging library. Admission is free for two of its branches namely the Imperial War Museum (IWR) London and IWR North. Tourists won’t be confused since the museum is maintained and sub-divided into different departments or sections.

One of the major attractions of the gallery is the Holocaust Exhibition. It is a wondrous and captivating display and portrayal of what it’s like during these traumatic eras. The museum is also known for enchanting the visitors with its full-scale restoration of an air-raid bomb shelter and a front line trench.

Certainly, this museum never fails to leave an impression and educate its guests. Besides, most tourist go to see tourist hot spots due to these reasons, to be amazed, to have fun and of course to learn. So if you’re one of those, visit the Imperial War Museum.

Imperial War Museum London HDR
Imperial War Museum in London
Imperial War Museum - London

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