

Telavi, Georgia is a historical area in eastern Georgia that is located in Kakheti. A visit to Telavi can be a fascinating experience because of its beautiful mountain landscapes, stunning regions, ancient world temples and monasteries, picturesque valleys and rivers and home to amber grapes that grows under the warmth of the sun. Telavi is not only famous as a tourist destination, but it is also locally recognized as Georgia’s centre for winemaking. A city that is located at 490 meters above sea level, Telavi is open to fresh and pure air because of this.

Telavi, Georgia is considered as Georgia’s most ancient city together with Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Mtksheta. A place that is very rich in history, many important cultural monuments can be seen in Telavi that still survive.

• Tsinandili – Tsinandili is situated 10 kilometers from Telaviri. This is a very large village that is well known for its wine settlement and wine production. A wine growing settlement where the patrimonial estate can be found, this museum which now serves as a palace was once heavily furnished by Princess Chavchavadze’s personal belongings.

• Nekresi – Nekresi is an old monastery which consists of several cult structures. Fragments of Dzveli-Shuamta and Akhali Shuamta monasteries can be seen in this area where their old architectures are noticeably different.

• Batonis Tsihe – Batonis tsihe served as a fortress before and is very rich in Telavi history. Batonis Tsihe locally means the Masters Fortress and was once occupied by Kakhetin tsars during the 17th century.
Telavi Georgia today is now a large modern city. Tourists will surely enjoy their stay in Telavi because of its wide variety of historical attractions located here.

Telavi is located in the heart

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