London City Guide

London City Guide

London truly is one of the greatest cities on earth. A melting pot of all cultures and faiths, it is also a leading centre of finance, trade and commerce, culture, fashion, and education. Seat of the much-loved British monarchy, it is traditional yet jazzy. Here, the Shakespearean London blends seamlessly with the London of the 21st Century.

Being the largest city in the United Kingdom, apart from being its capital, the city has many attractions for all tourists, adult and children. London is a city of galleries, and you will find one on almost everything there. One of the most famous museums is the British Museum. This imposing building has collections of art from the prehistoric man to the latest works of world-renowned painters. It also has as exhibits, some of the sculptures of the Parthenon that you might be interested in seeing. You can also visit the Tate Modern. It is Britain’s national museum of modern art. You will find some of the most famous works of art from such artists like Picasso here.

If you are wondering about the Ferris wheel-like structure that dots the skyline of London, perhaps you should visit the London Eye – the world’s highest observation wheel. The passengers of the London Eye can get excellent views of about 55 of London’s most famous landmarks. It is sure to take your breath away.

Visit Madame Tussauds’ to meet with all your favorite celebrities that have been created from wax. From the Beatles to Beckham, you can pose for a photo with one and all. Had had enough of the museums, it is time to move on to London’s history. Visit the Tower Of London, one of the most fortified buildings in the world. While you are here, you can witness the Ceremony of Keys, which is being held here for without break for the past 700 years. Talking of history, any trip to London is incomplete without a visit to the Queen, in the Buckingham Palace. The Buckingham Palace is both the office and the London residence of the Queen. You can take a tour of 19 State Rooms inside the Palace. Or you can even watch the Changing of Guards ceremony held right outside the palace.

The city of London offers various kinds of interesting tours of the city, some of which include the Open Bus Tour and the Walking Tour of London. These tours will make sure that you do not miss out of any of London’s many wonders.

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London City Guide
London City Airport Apron

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