Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy

Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy

Mont Saint-Michel is a rocky island in Normandy, France. It is also called the Lee Mont St-Michel. The Mont is famous for the medieval Benedictine Abbey and church. The Mont was used primarily during the sixth and the seventh century as a monopoly of the Romano and British culture. The Mont St. Michel during the 8th century was called Mont Tombe as it was the first basic construction. As per the legendary stories, the archangel Michael once came to St. Aubert, bishop of Avranches asked him to make a church on this rocky island. However, Aubert kept ignoring all his talk until Michael with his finger, burned a hole in the Bishops’ Skull. In 708, October, during the 16th century, the Mont was finally dedicated to St. Michel.

A lot of calculated importance was given to the mount in 933 and the mount was placed on the new Frontier with Brittany. It is also been said that Michael had asked Aubert to build the Mont and call it Mont Tombe. It was a talented Italian architect, who designed the beautiful Roman church of the abbey during the 11th century, and was very daringly placed on the top of the Mount. It has also been said that a lot of underground crypts and chapel0s were made to balance the weight and it is because of their support that the top structure is seen today. The entire tour takes almost a good amount of time, hence an interval of 35 to 45 minutes is given after tour and in one day time, almost 2 to 3 tours take place. One of the best parts to look here is the movement of the shifting tides.

The Mont-Saint-Michel was
Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy
Mont Saint Michel, Amazing

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