Andaman Islands on the Bay of Bengal

Andaman Islands on the Bay of Bengal

The Andaman Islands is a group of islands located on the bay of Bengal. Making it politically a part of Andaman and Nicobar Islands union, which is a territory of India. Geographically, Thailand and Burma are much closer to the Andaman Islands than India. The Andaman chain of islands includes about 301 islands in which most of them are inhabited. These islands are gifted with sandy beaches, clear sea water, and coral reefs.

The population of Andaman Island is inhabited by 380,000 people, and in which most of them migrated from the Indian mainland. Interestingly enough, the original islanders ethnically do not belong to India. There are around 1,200 of these original islanders which are called ”adivasis”. The total land area of these islands is about 2,500 square miles. These islands are blessed with unlimited amount of marine stock. Recently a ban on catching sharks was imposed because fishing sharks was a major industry. Resulting in the exhaustion of sharks in the sea. Recently, the islands were severely hit by Tsunami because of their relative closeness to Sumatra which was also hit by earthquake. This unanticipated disaster took the lives of 4,000 people. However, the Andaman Islands were always filled with tourists all over the world because of its gifted nature and beautiful beaches. There are several services for the tourists provided by the government of India, like Scuba diving, surfing and boats. Sea food is the best order from the luxurious restaurants to the local restaurants along with alcohol. Also, make sure that you are well covered with blankets while sleeping because it is a malarial area.

The Andaman Islands is best reached by using an airplane from India which lands exactly in Port Blair. An alternative way to reach the islands is through a cruise available from India. Most of the visitors prefer to stay at Spartan Guesthouse which is where one would get luxurious accommodation.

The life on Andaman Islands is like the one in the tropical areas, which means SLOW PACED AND RELAXED.

“The waves of desire in the world-ocean are intoxicating wine”- GURU GRANTH

Map of Bay of Bengal
Andaman Islands on the Bay of Bengal
Lying in the Bay of Bengal,



One of the most popular natural destinations in Malawi is the Malawi Lake. In this lake, you will see endless expanse of clear and still water. You can take a swim into the lake and see different species of colourful fish and other lake animals. They are so close that you want to stretch out your hands to touch them. But of course you will not be able to because they move very fast at the slightest movement.

One area near the famous Malawi Lake is Dwangwa, Malawi. This is a populated city where you can see buildings. This is also a place where a lot of people in Malawi work, which means that it is a business district. What better place to travel in Africa than in Dwangwa, Malawi where people can see great natural landscapes yet still stay in a city?

You might want to book a hotel in advance because the city is one of the places where many travellers and tourists stay. This is because there are a few cities or towns in Malawi where there are a number of accommodations.

While in Dwangwa, Malawi, you will see the breathtaking Malawi Lake. It is a nice experience to swim in the lake or to just feel its magnificence. Aside from the lake, you will also find a number of streams in the area. There are more than ten streams in Dwangwa. You will also see a collection of different species of flora and fauna in these streams. There are also marshes or wetland where you can find grass-like vegetation.

Satellite view of Dwangwa
Lake Malawi in Dwangwa

San Diego Maritime Museum

San Diego Maritime Museum

There are many reasons whySan Diego’sMaritime Museumis worth visiting.

The first reason is educate those who have little or no knowledge of maritime vessels, much less those with historical value. The Maritime Museum provides that for the old and young alike through the operation of the museum. It is very accessible to visitors because the museum is open everyday. Several learning programs have been created by the museum administration with the objective to share maritime information to any one who is interested. The educational programs of the museum may include the use of ships and bringing the participants to the waters to engage in sea adventures.

The second reason is to give maritime enthusiasts something to look forward to. Since its existence and continued operations is a dream come true for these enthusiasts. Even restoration specialists take a special interest in the activities of the museum because this is also an activity handled by the organization. Restoration, and then later on, vessel maintenance are only a few of what the administration of the Maritime Museum can do for the historical vessels in their care.

The third reason is that it can be a venue for any event, maritime enthusiast or not. The event may be private or public, but that does not matter. What matters is that the Maritime Museum can make any event or occasion memorable simply because of the environment and the ambience that it brings to the day or night. Imagine celebrating an anniversary, having a small party, or a huge celebration on the Museum’s ship, that reek of history and culture.

These are the three main reasons why anyone would want to visit and get bowled over by the Maritime Museum. The best and underlying reason though, is that the Maritime Museum is one of the most unique destinations in San Diego.

Maritime Museum of San Diego
San Diego Maritime Museum
Downtown San Diego is not a



If you happen to be in Morocco or if you are planning to go there on your next vacation, you should visit Oujda. This place has an air of freedom and openness due to its history. Oujda is popular because of the university students who fought for what they believed in and did not allow other people to step on them. It is very close to Algeria and it has been ruled by different conquerors during the last few centuries.

Aside from the place’s historical significance, you can also visit some interesting tourist destinations that will make your trip to Oujda worthwhile. For one, you can visit the old and new Medinas which have their own attractions. Medinas are cities and in the cities you will see vendors and souks selling different products. The new city has the best hotels, probably because the facilities are more modern. Every year, fall festivities take place among the local people for the harvesting olives. This event takes place in the entrance of the city called Bab El Quabab.

You should also go visit Water Souk or Souk El Ma. This is also a big part of Oujda’s history because people used to buy water used for drinking here. Today, this has changed and water is for free but the place is still very interesting.

Oujda, Morocco also has an interesting culture because it is very near Algeria, which means its culture has been influenced greatly by the neighbouring country. The music that Oujdans create has an Algerian influences.

Voyage Oujda
Oujda stands on the border

Los Angeles California Science Center

Los Angeles California Science Center

There’s nothing like an interactive exhibit to enhance one’s learning experience, especially young children. Parents who want keep their children preoccupied with educational exhibits can schedule a trip to theCalifornia Science Center, which prides itself as the largest interactive science center in the West Coast.

Located within the Exposition Park grounds, the Los Angeles California Science Center started out as the State Exposition Building in 1912, showcasing simple agriculture displays and industrial products from the state. As science and technology continued to advance, so did the objective of the group behind the Center. It soon became a science museum in the 1950s and was subsequently renovated to a science education facility in the early 90s.

The Science Center’s main building is theHoward F. Ahmanson Buildingwhich sports the original historical façade of its predecessor, the State Exposition Building. There are two permanent exhibits in the building: “World of Life” which explores the life processes of all living creatures, “Creative World,” which showcases the advancement of technology and the new “World of Ecology,” which focuses on the Earth’s ecosystems. The largest IMAX theatre in Los Angeles is also located at the Science Center grounds. A recently renovated exhibit is the SKETCH Foundation Air and Space Exhibits, which displays artifacts collected from various flight and space explorations for over 100 years.

The Science Center continues to expand to contribution to the local science education by opening various learning institutions such as the Science Center School, the Amgen Center for Science Learning, and the Wallis Anneberg Building for Science Learning and Innovation. Each of these facilities offers their students opportunities to learn and utilize cutting-edge science.

The California Science Center is continuously undergoing renovation and expansion, especially more so that they are approaching the third and last phase of the Science Center’s development plans.

California Science Center Map
Los Angeles California Science Center
California Science Center Los



Paro is the most attractive of all towns in the Bhutan valley. Historically, it was also the hub of two of the most significant trading routes to Tibet. Currently, the new route to Phuntsholing on the border of India goes throughout the valley, amidst a patch work of strewn settlements, trout packed streams, wheat fields, paddies and rice.

Here, Paro Chuu courses south in the chomolahri scope from its watershed. On top of it is a rock-strewn outcrop of the steep hillside, is the Paro Dzong. Overlooking both faces of the valley at an altitude of over 7,000 feet, Paro Dzong was previously one of the most strategic and strongest fortresses in Bhutan. Prior to the reconstruction of the Tashi Chho Dzong in Thimphu, it was the chair of the National Assembly as well.

The Paro Dzong possesses a lengthy but enthralling history. There was a monastery first built on the location at the start of the 10th century by Padma Sambhaya. In the year 1646, Ngawang Namgyal constructed a larger monastery on the dated groundwork and for some centuries, this impressive five story edifice functioned as a helpful guard against several invasions by the Tibetans. Constructed with stones in the place of clay, this Dzong was named Pinpung, which means heaps of jewels. Unfortunately, Rinpung was destroyed by a tragic fire in the year 1907 along with its treasures. Only a single thangka was saved, which is called Thongdel. The Thongdel is a huge and superb illustration of Bhutanese art of trending religious scroll paintings from cotton and silk.

Paro Robot Seal Healing Pet
Paro Robot Seal Healing Pet

Phan Thiết

Phan Thiết

Phan Tiet is a popular fishing port in the southern part of Central Vietnam. It is also considered the largest town in Binh Thuan province. Fish products are their major product line and they are also famous in their large production of fish sauce. Various fish varieties are available around their port so you can expect to have a superb seafood trip in the restaurants around the town.

Aside from being a primary fishing port, the town is also home to wonderful beaches. The most famous above all the beaches in the town is the Cape Mui Ne. It has a twenty one kilometer shoreline of fine white sand, attracting a lot of tourists who love to spend time in the beach. It also offers breathtaking scenery especially during sunset, as the beach reflects the colors of the sun. Other than Mui Ne, there are other beaches in the town like Bai Rang which has a beautiful shoreline accentuated with lots of coconut trees. Moreover, it is also worthy to visit the Mui Ne Sand Dunes which is a beautiful product of nature. It is a desert like place where the wind shapes up the golden brown sand in order to form up a beautiful landscape.

Phan Tiet generally has a warm climate. Upon planning a visit, it is advisable to visit the abovementioned places in order to get the best of Phan Tiet. After a trip to the beach, end up the day with a Vietnamese seafood cuisine; you can choose to dine in the numerous restaurants around the town. You can also purchase souvenir items and most are made up of sea products. It is also fascinating to roam around the town; colonial houses still stood along Phan Tiet’s old streets. So whenever you have gone in Vietnam, don’t forget to visit Phan Tiet!

City - Phan Thiet - Mui Ne
Phan Thiết

Lemaire & Neumayer Channels

Lemaire & Neumayer Channels

Make your Antarctica expedition more memorable by including the Lemaire & Neumayer Channels in your travel itinerary. These channels happen to be one of the favorite tourist destinations since it is one of the most magnificent places to see in Antarctica. It is such narrow passage, so before you pack your bags to make this first stop, check with the locals if the passage is open. There are times when glaciers as big as the cruise ship you rode goes through the narrow passage blocking the entire portion of the channel.

Since the glacier is just passing through, it shall be cleared in no time. You would really feel as if you are the king or queen of the world since the moment you pass through the Lemaire & Neumayer Channels, penguins and seals will greet you. They are also one of the reasons why tourists seem to be so enamored with the place. In addition to these playful animals, occasionally whales drop by and even follow your zodiacs around.

Zodiacs are not only at night in the form of constellations. These are what you call small inflatable boats. They are safe to ride and have brought thousands of adventurous tourists through the Lemaire & Neumayer Channels! So always keep your cameras ready for the entire duration of the trip so you don’t miss a photo opportunity. Did you know the channel even has a nickname for camera buffs? They call it the Kodak Gap since you can really take amazing shots when you pass through the narrow passage.

What actually attracts tourists to Antarctica is the extended time that daylight is present. Even if you are not a professional photographer, you will appreciate the magical natural lights that are so beautiful when you take your shots.

Lemaire and. Neumayer Channels
Lemaire & Neumayer Channels
Cruising down the Neumayer Channel, Antarctica.

Chobe National Park

Chobe National Park

Chobe national park is one of the few places in Africa where you can see a great concentration of elephants, rhinos, hippos, and even lions. Taking a tour at Chobe is definitely a lifetime experience that is fun and exciting.

The mopane forests and the marshes present in Chobe national park provide the perfect possible habitat for a variety of animals to thrive on. The area that spans up to eleven thousand kilometers is definitely a great habitat for diverse species.

What You Should Not Miss

The Gobabis Hill is one of the main attractions present in Chobe National Park. A host to several four thousand year old rock paintings, all of which originated from Sans, lie on the base of the northern part of the hill.

Safaris should be on top of your list when at Chobe national park. You can choose from multi-day or day and evening safaris are available with the use of superb facilities that will make you have the best time while on tour.

If you want to spot some crocodiles and other animals that inhabit the rivers of Chobe, the riverfront is where you should be going. However, if you fail from seeing free crocodiles roaming around the river, you can also go to Kazungula crocodile farm which is near.

What You Should Know

Some areas in Chobe national park might not be accessible during rainy seasons that span from January to March. On other seasons, using a four wheel drive will enable you to drive around the park and explore the diversity of the wilderness.

The facilities in Chobe national park are actually great and many tourists have commended these facilities and also the service of the staff. Booking your reservations and choosing additional tour packages can be done while on Chobe national park so it is actually easy to have a great time.

The Chobe National Park is
Chobe National Park
Home >Chobe National Park from

Amandari Resort

Amandari Resort

Amandari is a luxury resort which richly defines Balinese. It upholds the values, culture, and the extraordinary beauty of Bali. Looking at every side, every corner of this magnificent place just makes it even better. It is located in central Bali near the wonderful village of Ubud. Amandari resort is in the midst of the breathtaking rice terraces, richly green forests, and the powerful Ayung River Gorge. Its architectural design is inspired by the wantilan or the village meeting place. The coconut wood and the stone floor just complete the open lobby.

Amandari resort has many facilities that offer different types of activities. They have a restaurant which is known to serve Western and Indonesian cuisine, and a bar with a wide variety of drinks to choose from. They have a library where you can do more than just read books and newspapers. It is also a place where you access the Internet. Amandari resort also offers a fully-equipped gym, an overlooking swimming pool, a world-class tennis court and golf course, and a locally-inspired spa. If you are more into extreme sports, then the white water rafting in the Ayung river is perfect for you.

Tourist can also enjoy the unique art, singing, and dancing in the nearby villages. Trips to these villages, either by foot or bicycle, can be arranged and you can instantly experience the warm culture and tradition of the area. Price ranges from US$ 750 to $3,500, depending on the suite and duration of stay. Amandari resort has received numerous awards from different award giving bodies for being one of the top resorts to stay in. The island of Bali is said to be the Island of the gods and a stay on Amandari resort would just make you feel that the gods share with you the true Balinese spirit.

luxurious Amandari resort
Amandari Resort
Amandari Resort, Ubud, Bali,

Outer Herbides

Outer Herbides

The Outer Herbides consists of islands off the west coast of Scotland. The Outer Herbides is comprised of many major islands, namely: Lewis and Harris, Benbecula, North Uist, South Uist, and Barra. Colloquially, the island is referred to as ‘The Long Island’.

The Outer Herbides is a fascinating and interesting destination for many travelers. While in Herbides, you should enjoy the wildlife and the scenery. The landscapes are splendid and unforgettable, the climate is moderate, and lifestyle is carefree and easy. By the end of your visit to the Outer Herbides, you would sincerely want to live here.

You will never run out of things to do when at the Outer Herbides. You can tour around the islands, take family wild trips, ride boat cruises, do diving and bird watching. The Outer Herbides is a proud home to many endangered species like the golden eagle, whale, dolphin, basking shark, seals, buzzards, corncake and otter. For those who seek adventure, you can also try surfing, diving, climbing or power boating! Enjoy and learn a new hobby in the beautiful islands.

The best thing about this island is the ever-hospitable Hebridean Gaels, the inhabitants of the Outer Herbides. They are always ready to greet their visitors a friendly welcome. From the moment you get here, you will then have that sense of belonging and freedom.

One can get to the Outer Herbides by air, sea, train or car. You can get here from Glasgow, Edinburgh or Inverness, where you can fly the Loganair to the Outer Hebrides. You can also get there by taking a ferry. These ferry boats go to the mainland and to the islands and vice versa all year round. In my opinion however, the train is the best means of transportation, for it provides you a very scenic route, with lush landscapes and amazing scenery of the country.

North Uist, Outer Hebrides
Outer Herbides
Map of Outer Hebrides map

Jam Minaret

Jam Minaret

Have you ever heard of Afghanistan’s wonders? One of them is Jam Minaret. Here’s a little overview of the prehistoric site. Jam Minaret gained the first success of UNESCO’s lists of World Heritage Sites for Afghanistan on 2002. It is a 65 m tall structure that is bounded by 2.4 km mountains which lies near with two rivers namely Hari Rud and Jam Rud River. The location of this elegant expertise is seen on the western part of Afghanistan that lies on the core of Ghur province.

This Islamic inspired structural design is made up of baked brick with comprehensive carvings, nashki calligraphy and scriptures from Quoran, the Islamic Bible. For a short history of the location, it was erected during the Ghurid civilization and served as Islam’s “victory tower” amongst others. The historical site will be widely appreciated by travelers, architects, artists and most especially photographers that have a huge admiration and devotion to arts, design and nature.

The construction is leaning by now and is prone from natural disasters. Because of the proximity of two rivers from the edifice, floods will most likely assault the area and wreck this masterpiece in a blink of an eye. Earthquakes and unexpected dangers might harm the place as well. Although this danger has been controlled and ongoing civilizing action has been made, unlikely events might still happen.

When you are at Jam Minaret, you will be climbing a narrow, DNA-shaped, ladder staircase which will be used for going up to the tower that will enhance the dramatic effect and feeling for the exploration of the entire area. Upon reaching the top, you could see other wonders the Ghur province has to offer to its tourists such as the site of the mountains and rivers.

Now that you are very well informed, hurry and visit the place until you have time. Having a thirst for fine art and natural history, this is an exceptional, breath-taking, worthy and once in a lifetime experienced to be accomplished right away.

Jam Minaret
Jam Minaret
Jam Minaret along the banks of

Puerto Montt

Puerto Montt

If you are looking for a spot that highlights rich and beautiful marine tourism, Puerto Montt has these all to offer you. This city from Chile has been famous throughout the globe for being the perfect gateway for cruises, fjords, and parks. That is why many tourists embrace this beautiful port city, Puero Montt.

Geographically, Puerto Montt lies at the southern end of Pan American Highway. Aside from being the home to fjords, cruises, and parks, it is also a home for canals, snowcapped mountains, volcanoes, islands, and forested hills. Hence, if you wish to witness the endless beauty of this city, here are some great points you must not forget when visiting Puerto Montt.

Activities Not To Miss

There is an endless list of activities to do here in Puerto Montt. The first one is to see the beautiful Cruce de Lagos. This is a complete vacation touring the whole of the city going to Bariloche in Argentina. Here, you get to cross Todo los Santos Lake located in the park of Vicente Perez Rosales through a luxurious catamaran.

Aside from this, there are also smaller cruises in the city such as Navimag cruises, which is a fjord cruise to Puerto Natales. You can also go horseback riding and boat sailing as well.

Places Not To Miss

One of the city’s main attractions is the Municipal Museum Juan Pablo II. Here, you can see pictures, objects, pieces of mapuches and chilotas, weapons, and many other treasures. You can also see the oldest buildings in the city, which are the square and the cathedral.

Another must-see destination in Puerto Montt is the beautiful Puerto de Angelmo. You will be delighted with the magnificent ferries and ships headed to different places of destination. There is also the Spa Pelluco, beautiful beaches, cabins, restaurants, and hotels there.

True, with the sights and activities you can do here in Puerto Montt, it will always be worth your time and money to pay a visit. And the good news is that going to this city will not give you even the slightest of all headaches. You have a choice of reaching the city either by land, by water, or by air. What you only need to do is to make that wise decision to see for yourself all what is offered by this great city of Chile, which is none other than Puerto Montt.

Puerto Montt - 102�
Puerto Montt
Inn Express Puerto Montt

Great Wall of China Fortresses Info

Great Wall of China Fortresses Info

People have built fortresses for thousands of years for many reasons. Originally, the word was “fortis” which is Latin for “strong”, and facere which is Latin for “to make”. The Great Wall in China has hundreds of fortresses built along the wall. The fortresses were used for protection or defense against attack.

Army installations are called a “fort.” They are usually a city within a city and are not as strong or fortified as the forts along the wall and on the battle field. Many forts, or walls, were used as a symbolic function showing the independence of the city it surrounded.

Fortresses are located all along the Great Wall. Some are just 50 meters apart. They were built for protection, as lookouts, and as a place for solders to fight against the enemy. The towers were also used as places to watch over the entire area and send signals. The fortresses provide places for solders to retreat to for safety. Stairways were built so to confuse someone climbing them. The stairs cannot be seen from outside the tower.

The east end of the Great Wall is a preserved portion of the wall that tourists still enjoy. This fortress is known as the First Pass Under Heaven. It is where the wall meets the Pacific Ocean at the Bohai Sea. Its nickname is Old Dragon’s Head. It is located 300 km east of Beijing and linked via the Jingshen Expressway.

This fortress was a defense against tribes from Nanchuria. This pass is the narrow passage between the Northeast and Central east region of China. Both Northern Qi Dynasty and Tang Dynasty built passes. In 1381, a general by the name of Xu Da built Shanhaiguan pass under the Ming Dynasty. The Shanhaiguan pass is so named because of its position between the mountain and the sea.

General Qi Jiguang built a fortress under the Ming Dynasty for the military city around Shanhaiguan east, south, and north of the pass. It was one of the strongest forts in China and is a pass in the Great Wall today.

The pass of Shanhaiguan fortress is built in a square. The walls are 14 meters high and 7 meters thick. A wide moat surrounds the east, south, and north sides with drawbridges. In the middle stands a tall bell tower. It is a beautiful tower that still stands today.

The towers and fortresses were used by troops to send smoke signals by day and men carried torches along the wall by night. Wood and straw mixed with wolf dung, produced a thick black smoke for sending signals from one tower to another. One column of smoke meant an attack by less than 500 was imminent. Two columns of smoke was the signal that an attack of less than 3,000 was imminent. Four columns meant an attack of 10,000.

The main three fortresses build along the Great Wall are the Chia-yu-kuan in the west, the Chu-yung-kuan near Peking, and Shan-hai-kuan at the east end of the wall. The Ming dynasty built the Chia-yu-kuan to mark the end of the Kansu corridor between mountains to the south and the northern deserts.
The Chia-yu-kuan fort was built in 1372 by troops under General Feng Sheng and is just 40 miles north of Peking. It is an important fortress because of its location through the mountains between the capital, the river valleys and land beyond.

The last fort build along the Great Wall is the Shan-Hai-kuan which guards the costal strip from Manchuria to Korea. The word “Shan-Hai-kuan” means Mountain-Sear Barrier where the road narrows. This fort is 260 miles east of Peking and is well known by its large arched gate. The inscription on the gate is “First Pass Under Heaven”.

After the fifteenth century, the forts were no longer used for attack or defense but as signal towers.

Jiayuguan Fortress, Great Wall
Great Wall of China Fortresses Info
JiaYuGuan Great Wall of China

49 Mile Scenic Drive

49 Mile Scenic Drive

California is known for several tourist destinations and if you are planning a trip to this wonderful state, then dropping by San Francisco’s49 Mile ScenicDrive is definitely a must. It features some of the city’s major historical structures and attractions, so you should never miss to add the 49-Mile Drive to your itinerary. History shows that it was opened on September 14, 1938 to promote the Golden Gate International Exposition, which was scheduled to open a year after. The drive has a magnificent view of the Bay Bridge and the Golden Gate Bridge. Pre-1955, blue and gold triangular signs were used to denote the trek. These days, a blue and white seagull sign will guide through the drive. The route starts at the intersection of Van Ness Avenue and Hayes Street.

As mentioned above, along the whole 49-mile stretch sits some of the famous tourist destinations in California. First and foremost is SF’s City Hall, which also features the Museum of Modern Art, the Civic Center and of course the Asian Art Museum. Then there’s the Golden Gate Bridge and the Bay Bridge.

For those who love water adventure and scenic views by the beach, then you can visit the North Beach, Fisherman’s Wharf, Pier 39, Aquatic Park and Baker Beach. Other notable places that visitors frequent would be Chinatown, Japantown, as well as Nob Hill and Russian Hill. If you are inclined towards history, discovery, science and the arts, then you can visit the Palace of Fine Arts, Letterman Digital Arts Center, Battery Chamberlin, the Cannery, the Academy of Sciences, the Marina Green, Crissy Field, the San Francisco Zoo, which are all located along the 49-mile stretch.

If you just don’t have ample time to plan your visit to California and you still want to enjoy the view and all, a tour along the Mile Scenic Drive would prove sufficient and satisfying.

new 49 Mile Scenic Drive
49 Mile Scenic Drive
The 49 Mile Scenic Drive.


The best way to travel is to go to a place rich in history and culture. You will have a great time not only exploring the place but also finding rich and abundant knowledge to take with you home. For all those travel bloggers, you can explore greater heights as you visit different countries in Europe. And one specific country and town that comes highly recommended is Kunda, Estonia.

Kunda is a small town situated along the east of the Gulf of Finland. There is some evidence of prehistoric communities in Estonia that dates back to 6500 B.C. This is why the Kunda culture is very rich in history.

You might also find it interesting to know that the Kunda Air Base Facility is just located 13 kilometers west of the town. It has served as the Soviet and Estonians’ defense interests for years and years.

As you take a tour of Kunda, you will also find many historical and interesting places. You can visit their pulp mill or you can go to their port. There’s also a cement factory you can include in your tour. Another main attraction of the city is the Toolse Castle which was established in 1471. The castle was mainly built as a defense against pirate attacks. Although it was destroyed during the Great Northern War, you can still see the beauty in its ruins.

So if you want to take a trip to Kunda in the near future, you know now how to make the most out of it. Enjoy the great sights and history of the place and you will not come home empty-handed.


Boauke is the second largest city of Cote d’Ivoire which lies in Vallee du Bandama Region. Its economy is mostly dependent on the cotton industry and the city is known for crafts. The Baoule people are the main residents here. Bouake also produces tobacco products, building materials, textile and rice. It’s also rich in mineral resources as gold, mercury and manganese are found nearby.

Currently, French and United Nations peacekeepers are residing in the city as part of a ceasefire enforced between the government and rebels in the northern part of the city. Before it became and administrative city in 1914, Bouake was an important slave market.

The city’s tourist sites include a school of forestry, government livestock, veterinary and meteorological stations as well as a cotton-textile institute. Bouake, like other cities in Ivory Coast is also known for a popular festival: the Bouake Carnival. It starts at the end of March and runs through the beginning of April. Another great site in Bouake is the St. Michaels’ Cathedral and the University of Bouake. As small as it may be for a city, Boauke is actually a center for education in Cote d’Ivoire. Other than its great university, it also has about 11 public colleges, and four private ones. The rest are private and public secondary schools and primary schools.

The city’s people, the Baoule tribe, are very independent and strong. When it comes to art, they are sophisticated and stylistically diverse. They are known for their mask figures, which represented ritual spirits.



Do you want to travel to Belgium and yet exercise while you are there? You need not enroll in one of their gyms. All you have to do is go to Liege City and walk through the 406 steps of Montagne De Bueren. This tall staircase was built around 1880 to allow Franchimontese soldiers to go on top of the hill without passing through the hazardous alleys around it.

If you’re done going up and down Montage, you can hang out in the streets of Liege and visit the churches such as Lambert’s Cathedral, the Liege Cathedral, and the Church of Saint James. St. Lambert’s tomb is actually found in the Liege Cathedral while the Archeoforum, an archeological artwork, can be found under the old St. Lambert’s Cathedral.

Tourists also like to see the Perron that stands in front of the city hall. This statue is the symbol of the city, and it used to be the symbol of justice.

Besides these, museums can also be found in Liege. They have the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Museum of Walloon Life, the Curtius Museum and the Museum of Walloon Art and Religious Art.

Puppet shows are also very popular in Liege, as it displays the well known statue of Tchantches during its Le Quinze Août celebration in August. Legend has it that this folklore puppet appeared in the time of Charlemagne, and he was very hard-headed and rebellious.

Just outside Liege is a small village called Blegny where the grounds of a former coal mine are found. These coal mines are already closed, but tourists still visit the area very interesting for sightseeing.

Liege wallpapers
Liege Belgium

Kom Ombo Temple

In Kom Ombo, you will see a temple that aims to serve 2 sets of gods at the same time. The Kom Ombo Temple has a double design with 2 entrances and duplicate rooms. The south part of the double temple is offered for gods Sobek (crocodile god of fertility and creation), Hathor (goddess of love, joy and motherhood) and Knhonsu (moon god). The north part is dedicated to Panebtawy (lord of 2 lands), Tasenetnofret (Good sister) and Horus the elder (Falcon god).

The need to build a double structure for the gods is opened up because according to Egyptian mythology, Sobek is an enemy of Horus because of its alliance with the wicked god Seth. In order to appease both alliances, the people of the place built the double Kom Ombo temple. The south part is full of crocodile representations because it is offered for Sobek. The north part is full of falcon representations as a sign of reverence to Horus.

The structure is filled with duplicate architecture. There are 2 courts, 2 colonnades, 2 hypostyle halls, and 2 sanctuaries. Although some of the original items and carvings in the temple are no longer present today, you would still appreciate the unique Egyptian style in the place. Each of the courts before has each set of priests will have its own worship and prayer rituals.

The temple is a brainchild of Ptolemy VI Philometer and was continued by Ptolemy XII building the exterior and interior hypostyle walls full with representations of surgical tools. Due to natural weathering, the temple was slowly disintegrating in the 18th century but due to the efforts of De Morgan he renovated the place circa 1893.

In ancient Egypt, crocodiles were considered as gods. People offer sacrifices to the once vast population of crocodiles in the Nile River. The temple displays several crocodile mummies found near the place.

Siena in Tuscany

Siena in Tuscany

Siena, often spelled as “Sienna” is a city in Tuscany, Italy. Siena is the capital of province of sienna. Siena is the home for some medieval arts along with architectural treasures. Siena is declared as one of the historic centers listed in UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is also one of the best preserved medieval cities in Italy. Siena offers unlimited cultural sights and interests for tourists. Palio, a thrilling horse race is a unique event and the wines in old wine bars are very prominent in Siena.

Siena was one of the major cities in Europe during twelfth and fifteenth century. Siena dominated the trade routes between France and Rome, also maintained a richest Pre-medici bank of Italy. The prosperity of Siena came to an end when contagious disease broke out in May 1348 which was termed a “Black Death”. By the end of October 1348, two third of the population died due to the deathly plague. Siena was never fully recovered due to its politics which were always factional. The lack of ensuing development explains the preservation of Siena. After World War II, Siena gained its prosperity partly due to tourism and partly to the resurrection of the famous bank “Monte dei Paschi Di Siena”. The bank was founded in the year 1472, and was the largest employer in Italy. Today, Monte dei Paschi Di Siena is a sponsor for the cultural life with one of Italy’s strongest left wings council.

The great attraction of Siena is its cityscape. A majestic Ensemble can be enjoyed without venturing into a single museum of Siena. The heart of Siena is the great scallop shaped Piazza del Campo which is incredible of all the Italian squares. The “PALIO” is a thrilling bareback horse race, an outstanding event conducted in Siena. Siena’s Duomo and Palazzo Pubblico are true examples to ensure the greatness of Italian Gothic architecture.

Visit Guidelines
The nearest international airports to Siena are Galileo Galilei international airport located in Pisa and Peretola airport located in Florence. Siena can be reached through train from both Florence and Pisa. The train station is located at the bottom of a long hill which is outside the city walls. I would suggest looking for a taxi or bus for travelers with luggage. Siena is linked to Florence through a freeway with narrow lanes and sharp bends.

There is legendary saying “All of our souls are written in our eyes”. One would definitely accept these words after visiting the mighty city of Italy “Siena”.

Senesi Siena Tuscany Italy
Siena in Tuscany
Monticiano (Siena) - Tuscany